What problems do natural paints and finishes solve?


Catch up with our webinar exploring the benefits and characteristics of natural paints and finishes.

ASBP has recently launched a new Paints and Finishes working group which brings together a number of the major manufacturers and suppliers of natural paints and finishes in the UK. The event featured short talks from the group’s founder members which include Celtic SustainablesClayworksCornish LimeEarthborn PaintsEcomerchantKeim Paints and Mike Wye.

Edward Bulmer

Keynote speaker! We were delighted to be joined by Paola Paruta, Environmental analyst at Environment Action and lead author of ‘Plastic Paints the Environment‘ report, which shockingly concluded that “Paint appears as the largest source of microplastic leakage into the Ocean & Waterways (1.9 Mt/year), outweighing all other sources of microplastic leakage (e.g. textiles fibres and tyre dust).” We will also be joined by Julien Boucher, Founder and Director of Environmental Action for a panel discussion.

Tim Robinson, Director of ASBP member Waverton Analytics joinedn us to discuss VOCs and paints, including regulations in the UK/US and real monitoring data of low VOC paints.

We are soon to launch a new briefing paper authored by ASBP Director Simon Corbey – “What problems do natural paints & finishes solve?”, an introductory paper covering topics such as health and wellbeing, indoor air quality, embodied carbon, waste and pollution.

Webinar recording


12:30 Welcome to the webinar โ€“ Simon Corbey, Director, The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products
12:35 Keynote speaker โ€“ Paola Paruta, Environmental analyst, Environment Action and lead author of ‘Plastic Paints the Environment‘ report
13:00 Monitoring VOCs in paints – Tim Robinson, Director Waverton Analytics
13:20 Short talks from our Paints & Finishes Group members
13:40 Q&A/panel discussion
14:00 Close


Anton Boekhoudt

Anton Boekhoudt

National Architectural Business Development Manager
Keim Mineral Paints
Paola Paruta

Paola Paruta

EA โ€“ Environmental Action
Tim Robinson

Tim Robinson

Waverton Analytics
Michelle Turner

Michelle Turner

Marketing Manager
Earthborn Paints




Presentation – Paola Paruta and Julien Boucher, Envrionment Action

Presentation – Tim Robinson, Waverton Analytics


Event held in collaboration with the ASBP Paints & Finishes Group and ASBP Reducing Plastics in Construction Group



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