Please join The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (ASBP) and Irish Green Building Council (IGBC) on Thursday 24th September, 13:00-14:30 for a webinar on Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for Manufacturers and Suppliers.
This event is the fifth in a webinar series, with other sessions on:
- Embodied carbon building design tools (29th April)
- Life Cycle Analysis tools/datasets (14th May)
- An introduction to Environmental Product Declarations (28th May)
- Embodied carbon and building services (23rd June)
You can watch video recordings of all of these webinars in our resources section –
Webinar recording
13.00 Welcome from the ASBP – Simon Corbey, Director, ASBP
13.10 Jane Anderson, ConstructionLCA
- What are the associated costs of EPD?
- Choosing a programme and LCA practitioner
- How many EPD and what sort do you need?
- What tools are there to assist and what is the cost/efficacy of these?
13.25 Niall Crosson, Group Technical Manager, Ecological Building Systems
- The importance of EPD in specification
- How do we encourage our partners to develop them?
- The benefits of a central, free to access database, such as IGBC’s EPD database, as a portal for specifiers.
13.40 Kevin Underwood, Technical Director, British Woodworking Federation
- The value of EPD
- Our progress to date
- Working towards EPD in European Product Standards
13.55 Tobias Brinkmann, Managing Director, Brands and Values
- Our study: “EPD: Benefits, Expectations and Fulfilments – a Stakeholder View”
- Findings of our study
- EPD-Analyser Tool: Learn, understand, compare and manage your EPD
14.10 Q&A
14.30 Close