Architects Declare invite you to a hybrid event: in-person gathering and discussion for screening of the Building Blocks conference from London. Online bookings and inperson tickets available for London, Edinburgh and Birmingham.
Bookings to attend online and for London tickets . Venue: London Canal Museum, 12/13 New Wharf Road London N1 9RT
Bookings for Edinburgh – Venue: the Architype offices at The Old Assembly Hall 37 Constitution Street Leith EH6 7BG
Bookings for Birmingham – Venue: Howells, 321 Bradford Street Birmingham B5 6ET
Keynote speaker , Kate Raworth, will set the context for how we influence policy and make a real change. Kate is the renegade economist making economics fit for 21st century realities & co-founder of Doughnut Economics Action Lab.
Establishing the Foundations: Michael Pawlyn (AD co-founder + Steering Group member & Founder, Exploration Architecture).
A panel of industry experts will outline the challenges and the opportunities for government and the construction sector to make the changes we need:
Whole Life Carbon: Tim den Dekker (Part Z & Associate Architect, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios) + Julia Barfield (AD Steering Group & Managing Director, Marks Barfield Architects).
Circular Economy: Duncan Baker-Brown (AD Steering Group & Founder, BakerBrown).
Social Infrastructure & Social Justice: Dr Elli Cosgrave & Binki Taylor (Director of Research & CIC Chair respectively, Publica)
Natural Infrastrucure: Kevin Logan (AD Steering Group & Director, Maccreanor Lavington .
Next Steps and How You Can Be Involved: Zoe Watson (AD Steering Group & Head of Sustainability, Allies and Morrison).