Following a 2-year research project investigating the waste bedding sector in the UK and France and the potential reuse of a problematic waste source – polyester duvets, the BIO-CIRC (Bio and Circular Insulation for Resourceful Construction) came to an end in June 2022.
A number of important deliverables have been achieved throughout the project including innovative prototype development, studies into waste collection processes, indoor air quality, market research, economic analyses, freely available training materials, and more.
Download reports
- BIO-CIRC_T1.1.2_EN_Assessment of waste bedding management sector_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.1.2_FR_Evaluation et structuration de la filière de gestion des déchets de PRAC_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.1.3_EN_Legal-analysis_Waste treatment and valuation_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.1.3_FR_Analyse de la législation du traitement des déchets_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.2.1_EN_Sanitisation Upholstered Waste_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.2.1_FR_Hygiénisation Déchet PRAC_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.3.1_EN_Prototype Concept Note_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.3.1_FR_Note de concept du prototype_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.3.2_EN_Presentation of Prototypes Produced_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.3.2_FR_Présentation des prototypes produits_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.3.3_EN_Industrial Process Repurposing Report_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.3.3_FR_Rapport sur la reconversion du processus industriel_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.3.4.1_EN_Prototype Deployment Report (UK)_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.3.4.1_FR_Rapport de déploiement du prototype (Royaume-Uni)_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.3.4.2_EN_Prototype Deployment Report (France)_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.3.4.2_FR_Rapport de déploiement du prototype (France)_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.4.1_EN_Industrial Development Strategy_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.4.1_FR_Stratégie de développement industriel_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.5.1_EN_Environmental Assessment Report_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.5.1_FR_Rapport d’impact environnemental_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.6.1_EN_Economic Analysis_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T1.6.1_FR_Rapport d’étude économique_Version
- BIO-CIRC_T2.1.1_EN_IAQ and Health_Impact of NRFI Review_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T2.1.1_FR_Revue QAI et santé_Impact des IFNR_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T2.2.2_EN_Summary Report on NRFI Market Shares_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T2.2.2_FR_Rapport de synthèse sur les parts de marché des IFNR_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T2.3.1_EN_Local Impact Report_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T2.3.1_FR_Rapport impact local_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T3.5.1_EN_NRFI Awareness and Understanding Training Content_Final
- BIO-CIRC_T3.5.1_FR_Contenu de sensibilisation et de compréhension des IFNR_Final
The BIO-CIRC project has been awarded by the Interreg VA France (Channel) England programme, which is co-financed by the ERDF. The European Union (ERDF) will fund 80% of the project budget, which amounts to about €500,000 overall (€399,600 from ERDF).
The programme is a Cross Border European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) Programme which aims at supporting the development of the France (Channel) England area in line with the goals of the 2020 Europe strategy to create jobs and smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
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