Futurebuild seminar: Net zero and natural materials – presentation downloads

On Wednesday 2nd March, ASBP hosted a seminar at Futurebuild 2022 – Net zero and natural materials

Natural materials include timber, hemp, straw, clay and wool and can be used for a wide range of construction applications such as structural elements, insulation and finishes. Interest in these materials continues to grow due to their sustainability credentials including technical performance, lower embodied carbon, health benefits and ability to lock-up carbon during their lifespan. What role do natural materials have to play in delivering net zero buildings, and are there any barriers to their increased uptake?

Please see the speaker presentations below:


Anton Boekhoudt

Anton Boekhoudt

National Architectural Business Development Manager
Keim Mineral Paints
Joe Giddings

Joe Giddings

Projects and Campaigns Director
Katherine Adams

Katherine Adams

Technical Director
Mark Lynn

Mark Lynn

Managing Director / Chair
Thermafleece (Eden Renewables) / ASBP

Presentation downloads 

Joe Giddings

Anton Boekhoudt

Mark Lynn

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