As a sole trader I provide residential pre purchase level three surveys, mostly to older period properties. I am an energy assessor, and I believe in giving the correct energy advice that is appropriate to the property. For instance sheeps wool and subtrate insulation to timber frame, and limecrete top floors. I come from a diverse background, including having worked for social landlords, and as a Housing Standards Officer dealing with grants, energy efficiency, fire safety and enforcement. I am AssocRICS, C Build E MCABE, MCIEH, and a member of EARTHA, SPAB, IHBC etc.
What encouraged you to become a member of ASBP?
I have a strong belief in applying sustainable products for the build, renovation and improvement of energy efficiency and the comfort of our homes. There is a lot of commercial, local authority and Government pressures to meet targets. I have worked in local authority, and I have seen target driven initiatives over what is best for the property and the occupier. My role is to increasingly advice homeowners of the options to improve their homes sustainably. As an industry we have a battle against large companies and Government.