Womersley’s training – Repointing with Lime Mortar

Date: Saturday 13th June 2024   Time: 9.30–12.30   Location: Ravensthorpe, West Yorkshire

ASBP members, Womersley’s, is offering half-day training on repointing with lime mortar; aimed at trade professionals, as well as members of the public wanting to learn about effective renovation solutions for older properties.

£65,00 per person. Mornings (various dates) 9.30–12.30 at Ravensthorpe, West Yorkshire.

2024 dates:

9 April 2024
18 May 2024
11 June 2024
13 July 20024
21 September 2024
15 October 2024
16 November 20024

More information and booking details on the Womersley’s website.


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