Roofs, External Walls and Floors – Best Practice Refurbishment Solutions for Residential Projects
Learn about the various options available for refurbishing lofts, floors and ‘difficult to treat’ external solid stone and brick walls using natural insulations.
This is part of a series of online events – A fabric first approach to healthier more energy efficient new and existing buildings – by ASBP member Ecological Building Systems, and brought to you by The Green Register.
ES1: How to Internally Insulate Solid Stone and Brick Walls. 6 September 2023, 9:00-11:00
ES2: Roofs, External Walls and Floors – Best Practice Refurbishment Solutions for Residential Projects. 20 September 2023, 9:00-12.30
ES3: Achieving Airtightness, Why and How: The need for joined up thinking for joined up building! 3 October 2023, 9:00-12:00
Bookings via The Green RegisterÂ