Join natureplus and its partners for a European-wide event series entitled “Building a Transparent Supply Chain – Resource Efficient, Healthy and Low Carbon Building Materials”, with a total of 5 webinars taking place online from 11th to 20th October 2022. You have the opportunity to:
- Â Â Meet building professionals, academics, & material experts from across Europe,
- Â Â Benefit from best practice, experience, & tools to ensure sustainable supply chains
- Â Â Learn about the advantages of local & bio-based materials for transparent supply chains.
Inhumane working conditions in the textile industry, child labour in the quarrying of natural stones, ruthless exploitation of mineral resources, and illegal deforestation, unfortunately are not exceptional for raw materials that come from far away. How can we enforce ecological and social standards at all levels in the construction industry and, at the same time, advance resource efficient, healthy, and low carbon building materials?
The key to this issue lies in transparency: companies must take responsibility for their supply chains and disclose where their raw materials and intermediate products come from. They must also exert influence on their upstream suppliers to weed out “bloody” and overexploited materials. At the same time, this is a great opportunity for them to improve their products and position themselves as leaders in the market. What good examples of transparency already exist that we can learn from? What is the role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? And what should become mandatory in Europe in the future?
Event series
Meet building professionals, academics, and material experts from across Europe, and find answers to these questions. Learn from best practice examples from here and abroad. natureplus together with Stichting Agrodome (NL), ASBP (GB), Baubioswiss (CH), IBO (AT) as well as VIBE (BE) invite you to a 10-day event series focusing on sustainable building materials with transparent supply chains.
The opening session on 11th October will look into the entire spectrum of the topic of supply chain transparency, from voluntary CSR reports by the industry, to the planned legal regulations of the EU – what are the practical benefits of these instruments for the construction industry? Good examples of transparent supply chains, for example in the timber industry, will be shown; valuable tips for the tendering practice of municipalities and regions will be given, and we will get to know new products sourced from closed loop regional material cycles.
ASBP’s event in the series ‘Sustainable Supply Chains – Holbein Gardens‘ takes place on 20th October, 12:30-14:00, online. This event is now FREE for ASBP, The Green Register and natureplus members.
For more information and to register for individual events or the whole series, visit
To register directly via ASBP for the ‘Sustainable Supply Chains – Holbein Gardens’ event, visit