Energy saving in the built environment: Retrofit and LCA

Date: Wednesday, 29th November 2023   Time: 13:00 - 14:30   Location: Online

A webinar with Dr Jane Anderson (ConstructionLCA) and Steve Fernandez (Arup), hosted by UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering.

Steve Fernandez will explore the importance of retrofit of our existing buildings to effectively tackle climate change and meet the ambitious carbon targets. It is now becoming necessary to appraise retrofit options for every site, so we need to understand how we can add asset value to our existing buildings and identify and mitigate the comparative risks of building reuse.

Jane Anderson’s talk will discuss recent UK initiatives such as the updated RICS Professional Statement on Whole Life Carbon in the Built Environment, the Built Environment Carbon Database (BECD) and the UK Net Zero Carbon Building Standard (UK NZCBS), linking them to her research on the Environmental Product Declarations for UK produced construction products and the availability of carbon data for construction products generally. She will explain how the RICS PS covers retrofit, and how the various initiatives can integrate together to help the Built Environment sector contribute to the UK achieving net zero.

Bookings via the UCL website.


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