Thursday 23rd May | 17:30-19:30 | ASBP/Cullinan Studio at the Foundry, 5 Baldwin Terrace, London N1 7RU
For the past two years, ASBP has been a partner in the Sustainable Bio & Waste Resources for Construction (SB&WRC) project with a number of leading institutions from both sides of the Channel, including lead partner Nomadeis. The aim of the project is to develop prototype construction materials from agricultural by-products (wheat straw and maize pith) and recycled waste (polyester duvets and oyster shells).
The project comes to a close this summer and ASBP are pleased to host an evening closing event to showcase the innovative work of our French and English partners. The event will be co-hosted with award-winning architects Cullinan Studio at our shared office in Islington, London and will feature short talks and a Q&A session with project partners from University of Brighton, University of Bath and Nomadeis.

17:00 – Registration and drinks
17:30 – Welcome from our event hosts – Peter Inglis, Practice Leader, Cullinan Studio
17:35 – Welcome from the Chair – Mark Lynn, ASBP Vice-Chair and Director, Eden Renewables/Thermafleece
17:45 – Speaker presentations
- Oyster shells and polyester duvets – Developing high-performance construction materials from local waste streams – Duncan Baker-Brown, University of Brighton/BBM Sustainable Design and Ben Bosence, Bosence Building Conservation/Local Works Studio
- Proving the performance of construction materials created from agricultural by-products – Dr. Shawn Platt and Dr. Dan Maskell, University of Bath
- Estimating the economic and ecological potential of the prototypes – Guillaume Laulan, Nomadeis
18:30 – Q&A and discussion – How to successfully bring the prototype products to market?
19:00 – Further drinks and networking
19:30 – Close
Tickets are free of charge. Please book via the Eventbrite link below, or contact if you have any queries.
The project is supported by the INTERREG VA France (Channel) England programme and benefits from financial support from the ERDF.
To find out more about the project, sign up to the community on Construction 21