Breaking down barriers to EPD – Top tips from architects and lessons learned from product manufacturers

Date: Wednesday 8th December   Time: 13:00-14:30   Location: Online (Zoom)

Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) provide ‘environmental information about a product in a standardised format using a consistent methodology’. Demand for EPD is growing and there are now over 7000 construction product EPD worldwide.

We believe that Environmental Product Declarations have a major role to play in enabling better product choices and delivering lower carbon buildings. However, we recognise that they are complex documents and there are barriers to their uptake.

Over the last 2 years we have held a number of online training events and published a series of briefing papers on EPD, led by life cycle analysis expert and ASBP board member Jane Anderson (ConstructionLCA). This event will build upon previous webinars with insights from both architects and product manufacturers.


13:00 Welcome from the Chair and an update on the state of play for EPD

Jane Anderson, ConstructionLCA

13:15 Top 10 things to look out for when reading an EPD – Presentation of a new ASBP briefing paper followed by discussion with a leading architect

Jane Anderson, ConstructionLCA

13:30 Manufacturers’ perspectives – Lessons learned from gaining an EPD

Mark Lynn, Managing Director, Thermafleece

David Murray, Head of Technical Affairs & Ireland Sales, MEDITE SMARTPLY

14:00 Comparing EPD for construction products – Is this possible?

Jane Anderson, ConstructionLCA

14:10 Discussion

14:30 Close


  • ASBP members – FREE, registration essential
  • Member of partner organisation* – £10 + VAT
  • Non-member/General admittance – £20 + VAT

Following registration you will receive an email with joining instructions for the Zoom webinar (a few days before the event). If you have any queries, please contact

*ACAN, AECB, Building Performance Network, BWF, CIBSE, Fit for the Future, Good Homes Alliance, Passivhaus Trust, STBA, The Green Register and Woodknowledge Wales. 

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