ASBP & CIBSE Webinar: TM65 – A calculation methodology for embodied carbon in building services

Date: Thursday 10th June   Time: 13:00-14:30   Location:

Join The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (ASBP) and Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) on Thursday 10th June, 13:00-14:30 for a webinar on CIBSE’s new TM65 methodology for calculating embodied carbon in building services.

About TM65

The purpose of the TM65 guide is to help industry take a first step together to evaluate embodied carbon emissions in MEP design, alongside operational carbon emissions. The intention is that consultants and engineers that use this guidance will feedback their findings to CIBSE on the embodied carbon of MEP products. This will help to inform further iterations of this guide, as well as establishing guidance on actions that reduce the embodied carbon associated with MEP systems.

TM65 provides guidance on how to use environmental product declarations (EPDs) for MEP products. Where EPDs are not available, the document provides guidance on how to estimate the embodied carbon of MEP products.

Who is the event aimed at?

This webinar is aimed at consultants, engineers, and anyone involved in calculating the embodied carbon of building services.


13:00 Welcome and introduction from the webinar chair – Jane Anderson, ConstructionLCA and ASBP Board member

13:20 An introduction to TM65: A new methodology for calculating embodied carbon in building services – Louise Hamot, Global Lead of Life Cycle Research, Elementa Consulting and Yara Machnouk, Environmental Design Engineer, Elementa Consulting

14:00 Discussion

14:30 Close


Click ‘REGISTER’ to book your place (via Eventbrite). Following registration you will receive an email with joining instructions for the Zoom webinar (a few days before the event). If you have any queries, please contact

  • ASBP/CIBSE members – £7.50
  • Member of ASBP partner organisation* – £15.00
  • Non-member/General admittance – £20.00

All ticket prices quoted above are exclusive of VAT.


*ASBP partner organisations include AECB, Building Performance Network, BWF, Fit for the Future, Good Homes Alliance, Passivhaus Trust, STBA, The Green Register and Woodknowledge Wales.

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