ASBP 2020 Reuse Summit – video & presentations available

Date:    Time: 13:00-15:00   Location:

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About the ASBP 2020 Reuse Summit

In the UK and Europe, more attention is being placed on the circular economy in the building sector, and with that is a growing emphasis on reuse.

The inaugural ASBP Reuse Summit where we will bring together a wide range of experts to discuss the practicalities of reuse, through the presentation of case studies, practical applications and product solutions.

As a focus for the event, we will use the ‘shearing layers concept’, which divides a building into layers based on their longevity and lifespan. Shearing layers is a concept coined by architect Frank Duffy, which was later elaborated by Stewart Brand in his book, How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They’re Built (Brand, 1994).

Our event will showcase innovative reuse case studies and examples for each of the 6 layers.


13:00 Welcome to the 2020 ASBP Reuse Summit – Katherine Adams, Circular Economy Lead, ASBP

13:05 Brief overview of circular economy activities in The Netherlands – Rob Oomen, Special Envoy, Holland Circular Hotspot

13:15 Update on the CIRCUIT project – Andrea Charlson, Built Environment Lead, London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB)

13:25 Site: Steel reuseRoy Fishwick, Managing Director, Cleveland Steel and Tubes Ltd

13:35 Structure: Material reuse in historic buildings – Peter Cox, Managing Director, Carrig Conservation International

13:45 Skin: Leadax | Circular Waterproofing Materials – Roeland van Delden, CEO, Leadax

13:55 5 minute break

14:00 Services: Circular lightingTom Ruddell, Circular Design Engineer, EGG Lighting

14:10 Space/stuff: Reuse of equipment, furniture and other items – Steve Sliney, Managing Director, Collecteco

14:20 Space/stuff: Recycling wood through community schemesRichard Mehmed, Managing Director, Community Wood Recycling

14:30 Q&A

15:00 Close


Tickets are free but registration is essential.

Click here to book

Kindly sponsored by

Cleveland Steel and Tubes Ltd.

Supported by

Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands

London Waste and Recycling Board

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