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About the ASBP 2020 Reuse Summit
In the UK and Europe, more attention is being placed on the circular economy in the building sector, and with that is a growing emphasis on reuse.
The inaugural ASBP Reuse Summit where we will bring together a wide range of experts to discuss the practicalities of reuse, through the presentation of case studies, practical applications and product solutions.
As a focus for the event, we will use the ‘shearing layers concept’, which divides a building into layers based on their longevity and lifespan. Shearing layers is a concept coined by architect Frank Duffy, which was later elaborated by Stewart Brand in his book, How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They’re Built (Brand, 1994).
Our event will showcase innovative reuse case studies and examples for each of the 6 layers.
13:00 Welcome to the 2020 ASBP Reuse Summit – Katherine Adams, Circular Economy Lead, ASBP
13:05 Brief overview of circular economy activities in The Netherlands – Rob Oomen, Special Envoy, Holland Circular Hotspot
13:15 Update on the CIRCUIT project – Andrea Charlson, Built Environment Lead, London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB)
13:25 Site: Steel reuse – Roy Fishwick, Managing Director, Cleveland Steel and Tubes Ltd
13:35 Structure: Material reuse in historic buildings – Peter Cox, Managing Director, Carrig Conservation International
13:45 Skin: Leadax | Circular Waterproofing Materials – Roeland van Delden, CEO, Leadax
13:55 5 minute break
14:00 Services: Circular lighting – Tom Ruddell, Circular Design Engineer, EGG Lighting
14:10 Space/stuff: Reuse of equipment, furniture and other items – Steve Sliney, Managing Director, Collecteco
14:20 Space/stuff: Recycling wood through community schemes – Richard Mehmed, Managing Director, Community Wood Recycling
14:30 Q&A
15:00 Close
Tickets are free but registration is essential.
Kindly sponsored by
Cleveland Steel and Tubes Ltd.