RICS launches Professional Statement for whole life carbon assessment

The RICS has just launched a new Professional Statement entitled “Whole life carbon assessment for the built environment”.

The mandatory and regulated guidance, authored by ASBP member Sturgis Carbon Profiling, is the result of 2 years work by an industry wide team, funded by InnovateUK, with the aim of providing consistency and reliability to industry wide carbon reporting.

The guidance explains the methodology for assessing all building related carbon emissions including: sourcing of materials, fabrication, construction, repair, replacement, in use, demolition and disposal, as well as reuse and recycling. It sets out specific mandatory principles and supporting guidance for the interpretation and implementation of EN 15978 methodology.

It will be the point of reference for all those involved in the UK built environment industry, such as clients, consultants, contractors, local authorities, software developers and many others. The numeric assumptions are based on UK locations and standard practices. However, geographic adjustments are highlighted to enable the requirements and guidance to be applied in other countries.

For more information, visit www.rics.org.

Click here to download the document.



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