This Route Map was launched on the 19th June 2017 by Shirley Rodrigues, Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy, with the built environment being highlighted as offering the greatest net benefit. Developed by the London Waste and Recycling Board with input from Simon Corbey and David Cheshire et al., it outlines a vision of a capital city thriving through the adoption of the principles of circular economy; an economy which keeps products, components and materials at their highest use and value at all times.
LWARB’s overall vision is for London is to be a centre for both design and demonstrator projects that will exemplify:
- Buildings designed for adaptability, with the intention that they can be disassembled at the end of their life.
- Buildings that use innovative products and technologies to be more circular.
- Buildings being re-used and refurbished instead of demolished.
- Buildings deconstructed to enable maximum material re-use.
- The use of innovative business models which enable both current, and new, buildings to be used more flexibly and therefore perform more efficiently.
- Durable infrastructure that can adapt over time.
It is hoped that the Route Map will inspire politicians and the professions alike and so feature within the forthcoming Mayor’s Environmental Strategy. This is London’s first integrated strategy, which will bring together all the environmental threads of a sustainable city from air quality to zero carbon. It is currently being drafted and is due to be published late July, and then it will be open to public consultation.
LWARB offer support to support to small and medium enterprises in London, through Advance London. Their new collaboration hub, led by Philip Guthrie, will bring together London businesses, universities, national, regional and local government and other interested parties. It will facilitate collaboration and promote innovation in response to opportunities presented by the circular economy in London, helping to find solutions to the challenges described in the London circular economy route map.
We’re pleased that the work of the ASBP and its partners in researching material reuse is featured in the route map – specifically our Reusable Buildings Network and research projects looking into the viability of steel re-use. Simon has joined a stakeholder group with LWARB for a four year Interreg project CircE, which aims to share learning around effective policy for the circular economy.