LETI embodied carbon survey for manufacturers and contractors

The London Energy Transformation Initiative (LETI) developed an Embodied Carbon Primer to demonstrate how designers could implement measures to reduce the embodied carbon associated to their designs.

However, LETI also recognise the importance of the impact the whole supply chain can have on reducing embodied carbon. A new embodied carbon specification and procurement workstream has now been set up to produce further guidance on the specification and procurement of low embodied carbon materials and products.

Short survey for product manufacturers and contractors

Help create guidance for the specification and procurement of low embodied carbon products and systems

ASBP supports the work of LETI and has inputted into two short surveys which aim to identify the positive work that his being undertaken in the industry, highlight gaps and  to understand the barriers associated with the procurement of low carbon materials. One survey is targeted at manufacturers and the other at contractors. Each should take no more than 5-8 minutes to complete and thoughts from all levels of expertise are welcomed.

SURVEY – For Manufacturers     SURVEY – For Contractors

Deadline – Friday 20th November

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