Community event showcases ZAP Project and the vision for the new Marlborough Sports Garden

Local councillors, architects, contractors and members of the public were among attendees at community focused event in Southwark that showcased the work of Bankside Open Spaces Trust (BOST) and Cullinan Studio on the new Marlborough Sports Garden. The event included a site walkaround with the architects of the new designs. 

The Zero Avoidable Packaging Waste in construction project (ZAP) was also exhibited, with a sneak peak at the indsutry toolkit due to be published May 17th.

Cullinan Studio has been appointed to transform Marlborough Sports Garden into a colourful, state-of-the-art mixed sports facility, promoting health and wellbeing, and which is freely available to local school pupils, other children and young people, particularly those who are living in poverty. They share BOST’s ambition to apply circular economy thinking to the design and will work together to find how local people, particularly young people, can get involved in all stages of the project.

The redevelopment of the Marlborough Sports Garden in London is acting as a case study to understand the ability to design out packaging waste in construction and operation and how to specify and procure responsible packaging stewardship. The team has embraced the challenge of BOST’s circular economy brief through prioritising reuse of materials and this has influenced the layout and appearance of the building. For instance, the structural grid was organised to suit the reliably available sizes of reclaimed steel columns and reclaimed timber beams. The entire design from structure to internal linings has been devised for disassembly at the end of life to allow materials to be easily separated for re-use.

About ZAP and the Toolkit

There is little recent, substantive data and a lack of holistic understanding of the various packaging types that are used for the array of products that enter a construction site and its management both on and offsite. Construction as a sector is the second-highest consumer of plastics.

The ZAP Project explores scalable solutions to help combat the prevalence of avoidable packaging plastic waste in construction, much of which is not recycled. Case studies from real-world construction projects have helped build case studies and develop this toolkit that demonstrates positive actions the whole sector and supply chain can do. The major output of this project is a Toolkit providing one pagers, checklists and case studies, aimed at clients, designers, contractors and manufactuers, which will be launched May 17th at an industry event and networking drinks in central London. 

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