Workshop: Reuse opportunities for polyester-based waste bedding

Join the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products on Friday 1st April 2022, 10:00-11:30 for a free-to-attend online workshop exploring the circular economy opportunities for a problematic waste source – polyester duvets.

BIO-CIRC (Bio and Circular Insulation for Resourceful Construction) is an EU-funded research project that is investigating the waste bedding sector in the UK and France, and the potential reuse of polyester duvets, which currently suffer from poor recycling rates and sanitary issues.

On the main outputs of the project will be the creation of a number of innovative insulation prototypes made from re-fiberised polyester from waste bedding, with the aim of providing solutions for the construction industry which can contribute towards both net zero and circular economy ambitions.

The workshop is being organised to obtain a better understanding of the current situation with waste bedding, the barriers to improvement and how they could be overcome. Utilising waste bedding as an insulation product will be presented and a discussion on how this could happen in practice.


10:00   Welcome from the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products and introduction to the project Dr. Katherine Adams, Technical Associate, ASBP

10:15   Key findings to date on the management of waste bedding in the UK

10:30   Workshop session 1: Current situation and barriers

10:50   Opportunity for the reuse of waste polyester bedding as insulation Mark Lynn, Managing Director, Eden Renewable Innovations Ltd/Thermafleece

11:00   Workshop session 2: Review of opportunity for reuse as insulation

11.20   Summary and next steps

11.30   Close


The workshop is free-to-attend and aimed at actors involved in the collection, sanitisation, recycling or disposal of waste bedding in the UK.

UPDATE – The workshop is now fully booked. To be added to the reserve list, please RSVP to

Find out more about the BIO-CIRC project at:

The BIO-CIRC project has been awarded by the Interreg VA France (Channel) England programme, which is co-financed by the ERDF. The European Union (ERDF) will fund 80% of the project budget, which amounts to about €500,000 overall (€399,600 from ERDF).

The programme is a Cross Border European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) Programme which aims at supporting the development of the France (Channel) England area in line with the goals of the 2020 Europe strategy to create jobs and smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Find out more at


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