
I have a passion for energy sustainability and have focused much of my career on the design of energy efficient, healthy buildings with a sustainable carbon footprint in terms of embodied energy and energy use within their lifetime.

I am an experienced building physics analyst devoted to pragmatic solutions to reduce demands for heating, cooling and lighting in both domestic and non-domestic properties using orientation / layout, glazing design, building fabric and building systems specification that are intuitive to operate and provide a high quality indoor environment.

I am adept at developing feasible and effective carbon reduction strategies incorporating low carbon / renewable energy systems that can provide further carbon emission / energy reductions to future proof buildings against instability in energy supply.

Technologies are developing at a fast pace and I endeavour to keep up to speed with new developments in sustainable solutions for materials and energy generation/storage.

Specialties: Low Carbon Consultant; Low Carbon Energy Assessor; Sustainable Building Design; Energy Efficiency; Designing for Daylight including CBDM; Natural Ventilation Strategies; Part L & EPC Levels 3, 4 & 5; Indoor Air Quality; Thermal Comfort; Operational Energy performance; Renewable Energy Feasibility.

Jane Goodman, emission-zero


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