Jane Goodman


Jane is a CIBSE accredited Low Carbon Consultant (LCC), Level 5 Low Carbon Energy Assessor (LCEA) and a leader in sustainable development, committed to delivering effective energy reduction strategies that; reduce environmental impact, improve social conditions, provide cost saving initiatives and promote improved building design and management.
With a background in sustainability, building services and building physics she has over 15 years experience working in the building performance sector developing models and tools to quantify carbon savings associated with Net Zero Carbon pathways.

Jane has an in-depth understanding of National and Local energy/carbon emissions targets with vast experience advising clients of appropriate energy targets at the inception of projects. She is highly experienced in the field of building physics, energy modelling and sustainability and has extensive experience using on-site data collection, desktop analysis and energy modelling to predict energy consumption by end use and energy use intensity of energy in operation. She has a technical understanding of low carbon and renewable technologies available on the UK market and their current capabilities and infrastructure requirements to deliver carbon savings in operation with practical knowledge regarding energy networks, their benefits, limitations and constraints. With a detailed understanding of the principles of heat transfer, daylight and comfort metrics, Jane brings expertise to ensure user well-being is holistically considered as part of the aspiration for zero carbon.
Jane has developed Carbon Reduction Strategies for single buildings to whole estates to meet various levels of target, from local/national targets e.g. Building Regs / Planning through to Net Zero Carbon in Operation (NZCiO), assisting clients across many sectors including commercial, retail, education, manufacturing, sports, leisure and mixed-use developments for both new and renovation projects of various scale.
Currently working with a tech company to visualise energy and carbon data for clients to support their transition to Net Zero by providing the tools to scenario plan the most effective pathway to ensure a robust and No Regrets NZC strategy.

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