ASBP members, Womersley’s, presents a one-day workshop, designed to offer an introductory guide to the preparation and application of “hot mixed” lime mortars.
The course will combine theoretical instruction with practical sessions covering:
- Health and safety
- Historic preparation and use of lime (and other) based mortars.
- Overview of the range and production methods of lime binders available in the UK today.
- Exploration of other mortar components, including sands, aggregates, pozzolans, and additives such as animal fats and milk products.
Justification for specifying “hot mixed” mortars, addressing issues of authenticity, performance, and workability. - Identification of potential failure causes, such as slow slaking, slow carbonation, and environmental factors.
- Developing specifications for lime mortar repairs, including mix proportions, mixing equipment, and Building Standards.
- Addressing perceived barriers to specification, including health and safety considerations for storing materials, mixing, and safe use.
- Best practices for producing sound specifications for “hot mixed” mortars.
Up to date information and booking details