An online series of 5 sessions for anyone interested in practical lessons by the UK’s most experienced practitioners of designing and building to the Passivhaus standard. Learn from Passivhaus case study examples. The webinar series aims to help overcome challenges or obstacles to delivering Passivhaus, sharing practical experience, rules of thumb and common dos and don’ts.
This intermediate level webinar series is particularly aimed at recently qualified Passivhaus Designers/ Tradespeople working on one of their first small-to-medium-scale Passivhaus projects, seeking to learn from experienced practitioners with multiple successful projects under their belts.
Provisional 2025 dates (subject to change):
5 February – How to build a Passivhaus: efficiently, effectively, and economically
Introduction to the Passivhaus standard, principles, and the collaborative teams behind our four case studies which will be discussed in depth over the following series.
12 March – Optimising function, aesthetics & costs
Focus on design optimisation, materials, and cost with detailed insights into real-world design strategies
9 April – Onsite efficiency from start to certification
Building a Passivhaus from start to finish, with emphasis on construction techniques, procurement contractual traps and certification processes
7 May – Effective and efficient heating, hot water and ventilation
MEP systems design, installation, and performance for both residential and social housing projects
4 June – Transferable lessons to future projects
Post-construction insights, performance evaluation, and real-world lessons from completed projects.