Green Register: RICS Whole Lifecycle Carbon Assessment – A Practical Application

Date: Tuesday, 28th January 2025   Time: 11:00–13:00    Location: Online

An online presentation by Alan Northen of Northen Limited, on how to achieve carbon assessments on any built asset, from the stages of concept design through to as-built.

The presentation will include:

  • How to understand and manage the expectations of clients in relation to WLCA.
  • Review of the optional modules of WLCA with a discussion on whether this is practical or reasonable.
  • Presentation of the data and data sources, plus a practical demonstration of the details required to support the calculation systems, including the introduction of contingency.
  • Application of planned preventative maintenance schedules and their impact on carbon assessments for the repair, maintenance and refurbishment programmes.
  • Overview of what end-of-life of an asset means.
  • Introduction to software which can support assessment calculations, and a discussion on the limitations.
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